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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for 10.0.1 FP710.0.1 FP7
Hide details for Alternate Name SupportAlternate Name Support
CSAOBXV3F4iNotes - Fixed an issue where delegation didn't work correctly for an iNotes user using an alternate name. Adminp would fail with an error about "The...
Hide details for APIAPI
WDCABHFPYMProgrammability - Rest API - Fixed a problem where the Rest API was showing the incorrect version information.
Hide details for AppDevAppDev
JCUSBUVQB5Programmability - DQL - Fixed an issue where @ALL was returning an error on empty databases.
Hide details for CalendarCalendar
KMOABV9D2UiNotes - Fixed an issue where an image pasted into an existing meeting disappeared after sending the update.
SJOIBX7G3JiNotes - Fixed an error that would occure when Delegatee accessed Chair's Calendar when there are any Private documents. This regression was...
PDARBXGGJJClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue in Check Schedules dialog where user was unable to drag and drop time bar to different time slot. Workaround...
GPGL97K8KMClient - Calendar - Fixed an issue where adding a calendar for a user with an ampersand ('&') in their user name would result in the entry showing a...
ASATBYPBEDiNotes - Fixed an issue where an error "Unable to interpret Time or Date" occurred in the server console if a particular type of meeting invitation...
MMNDBZT294iNotes - Fixed an issue where Google calendar overlay with public calendar URL couldn't be set up in iNotes.
Hide details for Calendar & SchedulingCalendar & Scheduling
BKANBTZPV8Server - Fixed an issue where iCalendar conversion of specific data was causing the server to crash.
SBAMBU8PHNClient - Calendar - Fixed an issue where if an invite contained a broken image link, user would be unable to accept the invite due to an error:...
PDARBXHF3WClient - Calendar - Sending C&S workflow with an attachment and online meeting info used to drop the attachment. Now any attachments will be...
JADGBTYJJWClient - Fixed an issue where Notes would hang when we select calendar sorting Entries & Notices based on Last Modified column. This regression was...
Hide details for ClientClient
DMDDBG6NWZ iNotes - Fixed an issue where local archives were showing up in the archive list for a Domino server when they shouldn't have been. This regression...
Hide details for Client UIClient UI
AYAVBUBCUDClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue where Notes Views were not refreshing immediately after Delete, Move to folder or FT Search...
AYAVBTGFPRClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed a UI display issue where the Open menu had a line through it.
AYAVBTJDNXClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an intermittent crash in PaintWindowTab function.
SANEBTKARQClient - Fixed an issue where open a delegator's mail file would result in a workspace icon being added for their database.
ASHABUNEU8ICAA - Fixed an issue where Scan Unread and Scan Preferred options were not working.
HNAKBS9KQ9Client - Workspace - Fixed an issue where the "Stack replica icons" option was being enabled each time "compact workspace" was performed if user was...
AYAVBUVD2YClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fix an issue where Notes quits suddenly while switching between the Mail/Calendar/Contact views
JADGBW6SCEClient - Calendar - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue where the options to set Background, Text Color and Entry Icon when adding a calendar were greyed...


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